AMGA SPI Exam Prep


Ready for the AMGA SPI Exam and want to be as thorough as possible?

This 4-hr exam skills preparation sharpens the skills that you learned on the AMGA SPI Course, and prepares you to excel during your AMGA SPI Exam. We will review your current skills, and allow you to focus on areas that need a little more polishing. This preparation day will be taught by a highly trained instructor who knows the AMGA SPI Curriculum and Exam process well.

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SKU: AMGA SPI Exam Prep Category:


AMGA SPI Course Prep Day

Private 4-5 hour coaching session to prepare you for the AMGA SPI Exam.

This 4-hr exam skills preparation sharpens the skills that you learned on the AMGA SPI Course, and prepares you to excel during your AMGA SPI Exam. We will review your current skills, and allow you to focus on areas that need a little more polishing. This preparation day will be taught by a highly trained instructor who knows the AMGA SPI Curriculum and Exam process well.

Available only on weekdays. Private sessions only.